Danses des 3 clubs 2022-2023
An absolute dream | Just a minute | Soul Food |
Arizona Freeze | Lay around | Stars like Confetti |
Come Dance with me | My first country linedance | Stealing the best |
Country as can be | No truck song | Take me home |
Cowboy madison | On the Sesh | Texas Barefootin |
Cucaracha | Reunited | Texas stomp |
For my money | Shakin' Mix | The Road |
Go cat go | Snap | Things |
I'm on my way | Shore things | Wayfaring stranger |
Jambalaya | Some Kind of Wonderful | You're some girl |
DEBUTANT CALAMITY 2022-2023 | ||
An absolute dream | Go cat go | Soul food |
Arizona Freeze | Lay around | Take me home |
Back to the start | Little country roads | Texas barefootin |
Broken heart | My first country linedance | The Road |
Cowboy madison | Shore thing | Things |
Free & Easy | Some Kind of Wonderful | |
DEBUTANT COLORADO 2022-2023 | ||
AB Wintergreen | Golden Wedding Ring | These old boots |
An absolute dream | Happy happy happy | Wasted |
Andalouse | Little Wagon Wheel | When you smile |
Baby Belle | Rock'n roll is king | Texas Time |
Back to the Start | Run run run | The Galway gathering |
Country as can be | Snap | Nice and easy |
Cowboy Madison | Stealing the best | Clear Isabel |
Free and easy | Take me home | Soul Food |
Ghost Town | The Road | On the sesh |
NOVICE BOUSBOTTE - 2022 2023 | ||
BK Cowboy | Ghost town | Off the beaten track |
Black Sheep | Golden Wedding ring | Playboys |
Bring down the house | Gone West | Pretty girl |
Codigo | John Henry | Raised like that |
Corn | Look up | Temple bar |
Days go by | New Orleans Battle | Time to be alive |
Done | Nickajack | Train wreck |
NOVICE CALAMITY - 2022 2023 | ||
Andalouse | Codigo | Playboys |
Back to the start | Corn | Reunited |
Black sheep | Done | Some kind of wonderful |
Bonaparte's Retreat | Ghost town | Time to be alive |
Bring Down the House | John Henry | You're some girl |
A country high | Daytona sand | Sweet Ireland |
Bring Down the House | I've seen it all | The Road |
Chicago Dance | Monday for two | The south |
Codigo | Nothing but you | Time to be alive |
Corn | Pick her up | What we're made of |
Cowgirl | Reunited | Wintergreen |
Day of the Dead | Springsteen | Woman Amen |
Black Sheep | I've seen it all | Sweet Ireland |
Bring down the house | John Henry | The Road |
Codigo | John Sutter's Mill | The South |
Corn don't grow | Kissed a cowboy | Thinking Whiskey |
Daytona sand | New Orleans Battle | Train wreck |
In dreams | Raised like that | What we're made of |
American kid's | Golden wedding ring | Rambling Rover |
Another Country | Gone West | Replay |
Backroad Nation | Good time girls | Reunited |
Bad Habits | Guest Ranch | Rock'n roll is king |
Black Coffee | Gypsy queen | Soul Shake |
Bonaparte's Retreat | I've seen it all | Sweet Caroline |
Cabo San Lucas | Jerusalema | Tag on |
Clear Isabel | John Henry | The gambler |
Cold | Locash | The Road |
Corn | Lonely Drum | Toes |
Crazy Song | Messed up in Memphis | Train Wreck |
Desirable | Nice and easy | Wasted |
Disappearing tail lights | Nickajack | What we're made of |
Done | Nothing but you | When you smile |
El no soy yo | On the waves | Wintergreen |
Ghost Town | Pretty Girl | Woman Amen |
A devil in disguise | Damn ! | Just a minute |
Achy Breaky Heart | Doctor, doctor | My Dear Juliet |
All shook up | Driven | People are crazy |
Beer for my horses | Fais dodo | Pizzirico |
Black coffee | Galway Girls | Pot of Gold |
Cabo San Lucas | Hey Brother | Quarter after one |
California blue | Home to louisiana | Thanks a lot |
Caught in the act | Hooked on country | The Gambler |
Celtic connection | In dreams | The Harvester |
Chill Factor | Irish stew | The Trail |
City of New Orleans | Islands in the stream | The Word |
Clear Isabel | Jambalaya | Toes |
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